"Reimagining Possibilities, One Step at a Time."
To help us provide you with the most relevant information, please take a moment to choose one of the options listed below. Your selection will guide us in delivering personalized insights that match your interests and needs. Whether you're looking for specific services, resources, or general inquiries, we want to ensure you find exactly what you're searching for.
Upper Extremity Prosthetic Devices
Shoulder Disarticualtions (Above Elbow)
Transhumeral Amputations (Above Elbow)
Transradial Amputations (Below Elbow)
Wrist Disarticulations (Below Elbow)
Partial Hands (Below Elbow)
Lower Extremity Prosthetic Devices
Transfemoral Amputations (Above Knee)
Transtibial Amputations (Below Knee)
Symes Amputations (Below Knee)
Partial Feet Amputations (Below Knee)